Mittwoch, 30. September 2015

Sad Emma

Little Emma is crying - she forgot her beloved doll at her granny's home...

September 1921

Freitag, 25. September 2015

Freitag, 18. September 2015

Paper Dolls

They're playing with their new set of Dolly Dingle paper dolls.

Emma's auntie send it from overseas.

Dresses: Heless, Heless, Ebay;

 Knee Socks, Bows, Aprons + Paper Dolls: by me

close-up of the Dolly Dingle dolls...

Julie, Pussy Precious, Dolly Dingle + Cousin Peter

Donnerstag, 17. September 2015


This is Lina - the doll I styled for Sylvia Natterer in a 20's style.

Lina in the Box

Dress + Teddy: Ebay;

 Knee Socks, Bow, Apron: by me

I love my Teddy

 September 1921

La Petite Parisienne 

 First photo with her new hairstyle...

Dienstag, 15. September 2015

Paul + Pete

A Man's Best Friend


Paul with his Fox Terrier Pete - his best mate...

September 1921 

Dog: Steiff, Hat: City Sport Caps, Dungarees: Götz, Boots: Ebay, Shirt: by me

Montag, 14. September 2015

All Together

They are best friends indeed...

September 1921

Frieda + Emma + Billie + Lotte + Leni

Sonntag, 13. September 2015


Erna + her wooden doll

This is Erna with her wooden flower doll.

September 1921

Dress: Ebay, Doll: Zeidler Holzkunst,

Boots: TheDollStudio, Bow + Tights: by me

colorized black + white photo

She's a "White Balloon" Sophia doll... 

Mittwoch, 2. September 2015

Billie + Petsy

Billie + Petsy



Finally she got the beloved Teddy, whom she admired in the toystore window for weeks... ❤

September 1921

in color...

Dress: Ebay, Knee Socks: Schildkröt, Teddy: Hermann Teddy,

Flowers: Bouvardia, Bow + Apron: by me

She really loves her Teddy...

Dienstag, 1. September 2015




My new "Petitcollin" Minouche Samira doll by Sylvia Natterer - what a beauty... 

In this pic she reminds me a lot of Tracy Turnblad from "Hairspray" :o)


Samira is so cute - but her 60's style doesn't fit my girls...



Welcome Billie to our gang :o)

She's much more childish with her new afro style :o))) 

So sweet ❤

Billie In Red


  Dress: Ebay, Knee Socks: Schildkröt, Bow + Apron: by me




I'm desperately looking for a White Balloon Minouche Lucile doll - 

or a White Balloon Minouche Berlin doll...

Who could help me and my girls?

I would be grateful forever ❤

  Dresses: Heless, Heless, TallulahTuesday, Käthe Kruse, 

Knee Socks, Bows + Aprons: by me


Welcome our friend Paris


It' a welcome party for their new friend... 

 She's a "White Balloon" Paris doll by Sylvia Natterer. 

Pure Minouche


I had to restring her, because she had rusting discs in her arms...

How cute they are without hair :o)

And once the head was off, I deceided to reroot her - 

to give her pigtails like this LOVELY Elisabeth Pongratz doll.

And here she is : Leni 



It was a horrible job to reroot her. I'm used to do that on smaller heads like Barbie. 

But this was to much ;o)  

Leni + Lotte are baking


They are baking a cake for their friends...

July 1921

Dresses: TallulahTuesday, Käthe Kruse, Knee Socks, Bows + Aprons: by me

The cake is done ! 


Leni takes the cake out of the ofen - it smells absolutely delicious...

July 1921





Emma in the kitchen

She cooks a delicious soup for her friends...

June 1921

She's a "Käthe Kruse" Josephine doll by Sylvia Natterer.

In the nursery 



The girls playing lovingly with their dolls...

June 1921

 Dresses: Heless, Käthe Kruse, Heless; Pram: Maileg,

Tiny Dolls: Käthe Kruse, Knee Socks, Bows + Aprons: by me


Frieda - up and away



This is Frieda - the best friend of Lotte. Today she was at the funfair with her father...

(she's based on my grandmother Frieda)

May 1921

Dress: Heless, Knee Socks, Apron + Bow: by me

She's a "Käthe Kruse" Tatou doll by Sylvia Natterer.

Best friends forever ❤ 



Lotte with her cousin Emma and her friend Frieda.

May 1921

in color...
 Dresses: Heless, Heless, Käthe Kruse; Knee Socks, Bows + Aprons: by me




He's Lotte's twin brother...

He's a "Käthe Kruse" Oskar doll by Sylvia Natterer.

Paul is playing with his tin car 

Underwear: Schildkröt, Knee Socks: by me

Bad Boy



What - it was not me? And how does the window broke?

May 1921

Hat: City Sport Caps, Dungarees: Götz, Boots: Ebay, Slingshot: by me


Lotte + Linchen

Lotte with her doll Linchen



It's her 6th birthday and her aunt has fulfilled her wish 

and gave her this lovely Käthe Kruse doll "Linchen"...

April 1921

 Underwear, Jewelry, Knee Socks + Bow: by me

... and a close up


 Lotte with her Pram



She's playing the whole day with her new doll's pram... 

May 1921

in color...

Dress: Käthe Kruse, Pram: Maileg, Bow + Socks: by me

Lotte Paper Doll

I found this darling paper doll some time ago...

... and decided to create a Minouche paper doll too.

She could wear some "Käthe Kruse" outfits :o)


And I LOVE vintage photos...

Lotte on a sunday morning


She's playing with her new ball before she get dressed up...

April 1921

 Underwear, Knee Socks + Bow: by me

I bought a little plastic ball, cut out white adhesive circles and decorated the ball...  

Lotte + Teddy

Lotte + Teddy

Lotte with her beloved Steiff Teddy Willi.

April 1921

This was my first "Käthe Kruse" Minouche doll by Sylvia Natterer. 

It's the Natasha doll of this line. I cut and styled her hair in a short 20's bob style,

 because her original style was too voluminous and long for a child doll...


And because I love the "Roaring Twenties" ! ! ! 

Lotte flirtatious 


She's posing with her new Cloche hat...

April 1921


Lotte's walk


Lotte is all dressed up for a walk in the park.

April 1921